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Shelves of archival boxes and books
Explore the archives by searching our data-base of guides to the collections, known as finding aids.

Museum Web Archive

Screenshot of old Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art web page.
Travel back in time via the Wayback Machine to see what was happening at the museum from May 2017 to last month.


Online Exhibition

Opening screen of Online Exhibition. Ready for Art: The 1933 Opening of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
This exhibition, hosted on Google Art and Culture, details how the museum came to be and features archival materials related to its opening in December 1933.

Online Exhibition

Opening screen of Online Exhibition. Titled Generations of Women in The Early History of The Nelson-Atkins
Learn about the role of women in the early history of the museum through their photographs, letters, and diaries.


Digital Publications

Front covers of two digitized publications Wiliam Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art and High Ideals and Aspirations
A select collection of digitized museum publications, available on the Internet Archive.