
Title I Resources

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The museum’s Incentive Grant Program encourages Pre-K through 12th grade visits to The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art by underwriting school workshop fees and providing a stipend to offset trip-related expenses for schoolwide, Title I schools in Missouri and Kansas.

Eligibility and Guidelines

If your school has been classified as a schoolwide, Title I school in the Kansas City metropolitan area, your school is eligible to participate in the museum’s Incentive Grant Program.  

Title I Eligible Schools – Missouri
Title I Eligible Schools – Kansas  

If you believe your school has been left off the list in error, please contact  

  • 15-student minimum is needed in order to receive Incentive Grant funding. Maximum group size depends on the individual tour or workshop.  
  • Each qualifying school is allowed one stipend per grade level for each academic year. 
  • Incentive Grant funded workshops and docent-led school tours are scheduled September through May.  
  • Teacher-led (self-guided) tours are currently not eligible for the $250 stipend. Please contact for special consideration.  
  • Incentive Grant Funded workshops and tours must be scheduled at least 21 days in advance. 
  • School workshop fees ($120 per classroom) are funded. School Tours are free at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, including docent-led school tours of special exhibitions.  
  • The school’s W9 must be on file before the $250 stipend can be remitted. Schools are responsible for ensuring that the Nelson-Atkins has this documentation. Send a copy of the school’s W9 to   
  • Schools are responsible for scheduling their own transportation and promptly remitting payment. The museum cannot accept forwarded bus invoices.  
  • After the completion of the visit, the $250 stipend will be mailed to the school.  Please allow up to six weeks for delivery of check. 

Scheduling an Incentive Grant Funded School Tour or Workshop 

  • School Tours and School Workshops are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.  
  • School Tours and School Workshops must be scheduled at least 21 days in advance.  
  • An email acknowledgement of your registration and visit details will be automatically sent after your order is submitted. A reminder email will be sent one week prior to your visit.
  • You may qualify for a stipend if you are from a Title I school. If your school is classified as a schoolwide Title I school, you may be eligible for the Nelson-Atkins’ Incentive Grant and receive a $250 bus stipend. When registering for school tours, no additional steps are required for grant eligibility
  • The museum’s online registration system for SCHOOL TOURS does NOT prompt you to indicate your Title I status on the form. 
  • Stipends for both school workshops and docent-led school tours will be automatically applied to qualifying schools and checks will be mailed to the school.  Please allow up to six weeks for delivery of payment. 
  • If you questionsplease contact the appropriate scheduling office:  
    School Tours: 
    School Workshops:   

*Please note that your confirmation letter will contain an amount due for workshop fees, however, grant funds will be applied for the full amount and a stipend check will be issued after your visit takes place.

Failure to follow cancellation guidelines will result in being invoiced the workshop cost with no rescheduling for the remainder of the school year.

Incentive Grant funds may be used for:

  • Bus transportation to and from the museum
  • Field-trip related expenses

Incentive Grant funds may NOT be issued for:

  • Groups bringing less than 15 students
  • Repeat visits for the same grade within the same school year

Changes and Cancelations
To cancel or make a change to your scheduled School Tour or School Workshop, email or Please include your name, phone number, confirmation number, name of school, and date and time of your scheduled visit.

Incentive Grant School Tour and Workshop cancellations must be received three or more business days before your visit to avoid being charged a fee. Failure to follow cancellation guidelines will result in being invoiced the workshop cost with no rescheduling for the remainder of the school year.Cancellations due to inclement weather, however, will not be charged.  

School Tours:
School Workshops:
Incentive Grant questions:

Schedule a School Tour

Schedule a School Workshop