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Women standing in front of the museum

Membership support ensures the museum remains an important community resource for all of Kansas City to experience.

Become a member today and be a part of what makes Kansas City so great.

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Member Councils Growing and stewarding membership


A group of FOA council members in front of the Gates of Paradise.


The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art is lucky to have dedicated volunteers who ensure the vitality of this incredible community resource.

Membership has a rich history of volunteer engagement, with leadership groups that provide support in growing the membership base and stewarding existing members. The three current groups are the Society of Fellows Board, the Friends of Art Council, and the Business Council.

FOA Council Members

Questions, contact

Volunteer Be the bridge between the Nelson-Atkins and our local communities.

You don’t have to be an expert to connect people with great art. 

Volunteers are a vital part of the Nelson-Atkins mission. With art as our focus, we strive to create a sense of belonging for all people. As museum ambassadors, volunteers help us realize that vision, supporting a wide range of visitors and the communities we serve.

What to expect as volunteer:

  • Education. Volunteer orientation, training, and continuing education are provided free of charge.
  • Flexibility. Volunteers have the freedom to shape their schedules.
  • Opportunity. Volunteers can work directly with our guests or behind the scenes.
  • Connection. Volunteers enjoy fellowship with other volunteers and museum staff.

The Nelson-Atkins seeks to build and maintain a volunteer corps that reflects the rich diversity of our communities. We offer a range of volunteer opportunities throughout the museum. Refer to our list of volunteer positions for more information.

Apply today!


Party Arty

A party with a purpose. Party Arty is hosted by the Young Friends of Art in support of art education.

Party Arty Committee applications are closed for 2025.

Party Arty 2025