We strive to make the Nelson-Atkins accessible and welcoming to every guest.
Wheelchair accessibility
Most public areas in the Nelson-Atkins are wheelchair accessible. View the museum map for wheelchair accessibility guidance.

Garage parking is free for guests with ADA placards. The parking garage (located at 45th Street & Oak Street) is fully ADA accessible.*

The Bloch Building’s lobby can be directly accessed from the parking garage and is fully ADA accessible.

The restaurant is partially accessible. Using ramps, guests with wheelchairs can access and dine on the lower and upper levels.

donald j. hall sculpture park
The Sculpture Park has limited accessibility, with brick-paved paths, inclines, and stairs that may not accommodate mobility devices and strollers.

All restrooms have wheelchair-accessible stalls, including automatic-door restrooms in Ford Learning Center.

Accessible elevators are located throughout the museum.
*The center and south parking aisles of the parking garage have a height allowance of 9’6”; all other areas have an allowance of 7’.
Accommodations and services
Hand fidgets are available at coat check in Bloch Lobby.
Assistive Listening Devices
Guests attending programs or presentations in Atkins Auditorium can check out Assistive Listening Devices at the Info Desk in Bloch Lobby.
Communication aid cards
Communication aid cards, which allow guests to nonverbally communicate with others, are available for check-out at coat check in Bloch Lobby.
Guest transportation
An electric cart is available to take guests from the Info Desk in the Bloch Lobby to the galleries at the south end of the Bloch Building and back. The cart is not wheelchair accessible.
Color blindness glasses
EnChroma glasses for guests who are red-green color blind are available at the coat check counter.
Live event captioning
A select number of programs in Atkins Auditorium offer real-time captioning. Check programs’ calendar listings or contact ask@nelson-atkins.org for details.
Noise-cancelling headphones
Noise-cancelling headphones are available at the coat check counter in Bloch Lobby.
Stools are available throughout the galleries and can also be checked out at coat check in Bloch Lobby. They weigh 3.75 pounds and can be carried from gallery to gallery.
Social stories
Social stories are available to help prepare for different kinds of visits to the Nelson-Atkins:
Service dogs and miniature ponies are welcome anywhere in the museum.
Sign language interpretation
We can provide an American Sign Language interpreter to accompany guests on museum visits or programming. Contact us at 816-751-0441 or asl@nelson-atkins.org for more information. Please allow for two weeks’ notice to schedule an interpreter.
Wheelchair and walker check-out
Wheelchairs and walkers are available at the coat check counter in Bloch Lobby. They are free and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Tours and programs

Low Sensory Mornings
Every other month, families and care partners of children with autism or sensory sensitivities are welcome to visit the museum an hour before opening to the public. There, they can enjoy free artmaking activities and gallery exploration in a quiet, low-stimulation environment.
Access Tours
We offer tours specially designed for people with disabilities to meaningfully engage with art in the museum’s collection.

Deaf Cultural Festival
This free festival honors the rich history of art, identity, and empowerment in the d/Deaf and hard of hearing communities.
Programs by request
By request, the Nelson-Atkins can provide art programs customized to a guest or group’s specific abilities or needs. If you’d like to inquire about a custom program, please email communityprograms@nelson-atkins.org for more information.
What to expect on your visit
Here are a few factors to consider before your visit to the Nelson-Atkins.

Due to the light sensitivity of many works of art, some galleries require low lighting

Backpack Policy
Backpacks must be carried or worn on the front of your body or on one shoulder. Free bag and coat checks are available in Bloch Lobby. (Exceptions are made for medically necessary devices.)

Galleries may feature security alarms or art or interactive stations that include ambient sound. Inquire at the Info Desk on recommendations for quieter spaces in the museum. Noise-cancelling headphones are available at the coat check counter in Bloch Lobby.