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Electromediascope 2012
HomeExhibitionsElectromediascope 2012

Electromediascope 2012

Winter 2012
Alien Contact and Cultural Imagination
Feb 10-24, 2012

Alien Contact and Cultural Imagination presents diverse examples of aesthetic, sociocultural and political works that address aspects of imaginable worlds.

These new media works share more with the connotative syntax of oral histories, poetry, performances and ritual traditions than with many established forms of western cinema that are more often grounded in textual literacy and a denotative narrative flow.

Fall 2012
Possible Worlds: Community, Identity and Culture
October 12-26, 2012

At a time when the dysfunctional and often horrific dissolution and destruction of communities is becoming more prevalent artists and filmmakers are producing works that document and raise critical questions regarding what, how and if the limits of community that are emerging are relevant in the context of today’s global political, economic and social crises.

Drop City
Drop City video courtesy of the artist and Seventh Art Releasing, Los Angeles. Image courtesy of Denver Public Library—Western Collection (X-7739).

Electromediascope is supported by the Rheta A. Sosland Fund.