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In the Studio with Wilbur Niewald
HomeExhibitionsIn the Studio with Wilbur Niewald

In the Studio with Wilbur Niewald

In the Studio with Wilbur Niewald

From early abstractions, to his later dedication to painting only from direct observation, In the Studio surveys Wilbur Niewald’s nearly 70-year painting career.

The exhibition encompasses paintings from the 1950s to the present, with works from the museum’s collection, as well as private and the artist’s personal collections.

A native Kansas Citian and professor emeritus at the Kansas City Art Institute, the Nelson-Atkins is honored to present canonical works of this beloved artist.

In the Studio will be installed within the Bloch Galleries, adjacent to works by artists who heavily influenced Niewald’s subjects and styles.

The artist will lead two tours of the exhibition:
Thursday, September 27, 6-7 pm
Sunday, October 21, 2-3 pm.

In November, The Nerman Museum will present Wilbur Niewald In the Landscape, an exhibition of recent watercolors.








Kansas City, View from Penn Valley Park Aspen by Wilbur Niewald

E. G. Schempf (American, born 1948), Wilbur Niewald, 2009; printed 2010. Chromogenic print. Gift of the artist, 2010.28. Wilbur Niewald (b. 1925), Kansas City, View from Penn Valley Park, 1989. Oil on canvas. Purchase: Nelson Gallery Foundation, F90-14/2. Wilbur Niewald (b. 1925), Aspen, 1963. Oil on canvas. Mid-America Purchase Award – 1963 13th Mid-America Annual exhibition – Mid- America Annual Collection – Nelson Gallery Foundation, F63-23.