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War and Suffering
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War and Suffering

War and Suffering

Death and destruction, heroism and honor — the twin faces of war are explored in this exhibition of 19th and early 20th century European prints and drawings.

A selection of military portrait miniatures is included.
During the Napoleonic wars of the 19th century, artists focused on images of glorification. Spectacles of dashing men in military uniforms and dramatic poses dominated. Artists of the early 20th century, many of whom were former soldiers, addressed the subject of war in a radically different manner. Their nightmarish images reveal its shocking reality.

Battle between Romans and Barbarians by Théodore Chassériau
Théodore Chassériau, French, 1819-1856. Battle between Romans and Barbarians, ca. 1850-1855. Black chalk and conté crayon with brown wash, white gouache and red chalk accents on paper. Purchase: Nelson Trust, 59-72.