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Magnificent Gifts for the 75th
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Magnificent Gifts for the 75th

The Nelson-Atkins is the cultural jewel of Kansas City. I am honored to make a contribution to such an institution.
–James Laramy

Magnificent Gifts for the 75th marks the culmination of the Nelson-Atkins’ 75th Anniversary year. Featuring 130 of the nearly 400 gifts and promised gifts made in honor of this momentous occasion, the exhibition includes an extraordinary group of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, sculptures, new media art, masks, textiles, ceramics, glass, silver, furniture and rare books.

The works of art on view in this exhibition have transformed eight areas of the Museum’s collection in remarkable ways. In terms of numbers alone, the African, American Indian, American, European, Decorative Arts, Modern and Contemporary, Photography and Print departments have grown substantially. More importantly, these newest gifts and promised gifts build on strengths, fill gaps, add nuance and move the collection in important new directions.

In total, more than 75 donors made gifts and promised gifts of art to the Nelson-Atkins in honor of its 75th Anniversary. One or more works from each donor is on view either in the exhibition space or in the American Indian Galleries. The overwhelming generosity of these donors has transformed the Museum’s collections in truly magnificent and meaningful ways. This exhibition is dedicated to them.

Sun in England by Jim Dine
Jim Dine, American, born 1935. Sun in England, 1981. Watercolor, gouache and pastel on paper, 47 x 45 inches. Gift of Frank L. Victor in honor of the 75th Anniversary of The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 2008.74. © 2010 Jim Dine / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

This exhibition is sponsored by Mary S. Branton; Cliff C. Jones Jr.; Kay, John and Mark Callison; the Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation; and the Campbell-Calvin Fund and Elizabeth C. Bonner Charitable Trust for exhibitions. Midwest Airlines is the official airline sponsor.