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Recommended Exhibitions May 2019

Here are some current exhibitions that Nelson-Atkins curators highly recommend.

The Art Market in France under the Occupation, 1940-1944, on view through November 3 at Shoah Memorial, Paris. Recommended by MacKenzie Mallon, Specialist, Provenance

“With all that has been presented about Nazi art looting in France during World War II, it’s easy to get the impression that the Parisian art market shut down during the war. But in fact, the opposite was true: for non-Jewish dealers and collectors, the art market flourished in Paris with the influx of the Nazi occupation forces.”

Empresses of China’s Forbidden City, 1644-1912, on view through June 23, Freer Sackler, Washington, DC. Recommended by Ling-En Lu, Associate Curator, Chinese Art

The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Classic Illuminated, on view through June 16 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Recommended by Yayoi Shinoda, Curatorial Assistant, East Asian Art

“I just visited this major exhibition with such array of stunning objects! Even if you have not read the book you can easily pick up the impact of the literature on the Japanese culture.”

Monumental Journey: The Daguerreotypes of Girault de Parangey, on view through May 12 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Recommended by Keith F. Davis, Senior Curator, Photography.

“This represents the first in-depth look at a notably early, unusual, and prolific European daguerreotypist.”